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How to develop a successful mentality

Source:             Date of issue:2007-07-21             Click rate:1876

You must develop a successful mentality, in order to make your life according to their intentions to provide remuneration, no success cannot do great things. Remember, your mind is you can only complete control, practice in control of your mind, and using the successful mentality to guide your actions, stick to it, you will be successful struggle. The following method, is the master of the world's greatest success napoleon hill in 20 years time, visited the 504 social celebrities and successful people, the final list their experience in life and career experience, we might as well reference for yourself:

1, cut off, and your mind on all failures in the past, to eliminate those that run counter to the successful mentality in your mind of all adverse factors.

2, find out what you want most in my life, and immediately set out to get it. By the way to help others to get the same benefits, to pursue your goals.

3, training every day say or do something to make others feel comfortable or something, you can use the phone, postcards, or some simple action of goodwill mentality to practice successfully. Give others a self-help book, for example, or bring him something can make his life full of miracles. Good deed in a day, will be always carefree mood.

4, do you want to know, take you down is not the setback, but when you face the setback of mentality, train yourself in every ideal that can be found with the success of the equivalent.

5, be sure to make yourself into the heart of the best used, and in your love and passion to your this habit, if we can make this habit becomes a kind of hobby, that is the best. If not, at least you should remember: lazy mentality, will soon become a negative attitude.

6, and have you ever offend people contact, and to his most sincere apology, the task more difficult, the more you can when you have finished, get rid of the negative mentality.

7, get rid of your bad habits, daily for a month to reduce a bad habits, and reflect the results at the end of the week. If you need a counselor or help, don't let your pride make you backwards.

8, put away the idea of want to control other people, you destroy it before destroying the idea, the energy in turn is used to control yourself.

9, make oneself more activities to keep their own health status, physical disease is easy to cause psychological disorders, as well as your body and your mind keep activities, in order to maintain the action of success.

10 and increase his patience, and with open mind embraces all things. At the same time also should contact with more people of different race and religion, to learn to accept others' nature and don't blindly asks others to act according to your meaning.

11, you should admit, "love" is the best medicine for your physical and mental diseases, love will change and adjust your chemicals in the body, make them will help you to show the mentality of success, love will expand your capacity. The best way to receive love is to give you their love.

12, reference examples of others to remind yourself that any disadvantage can be overcome. Although Edison had only three months of formal education, but he is one of the greatest inventor. Although Helen Keller promoted the sight, hearing and speaking ability, but she inspired tens of thousands of people. Clear objectives of power than any restrictions.

13, criticism of the goodwill should adopt a posture of accept, and should not take a negative reaction. Accept how others see you, take advantage of this chance to do some kind of reflection, and find out where should be improved. Don't be afraid of criticism, you should face it bravely.

14, to avoid any negative significance of talk form, especially carping, gossip or slander another person's good behavior, these actions will make your mind to think negatively.

15, anytime should behave yourself, nobody will believe a liar.

16, to believe in existence of infinite intelligence, it will make you produce all of the power needed to struggle for success.

17, trust and someone you work with, and recognize if and when you work with people is not worth your trust, you picked the wrong person.

18, with the same or more value return for you help. "Remuneration increase law" finally will bring multiple benefits for you, and may bring you all the things you should get the ability.

19, all the ideas you used to do what you want to do, and do not leave any space of thinking for the idea of those thoughts.

20 and thorough "count" once your property, you will find that you have the most valuable asset is a sound mind, with it you can decide their own destiny.

21, in the end, a week for six months in a row of books and disenfranchised. After six months you will be reborn. Required when you learn good habits, and after the adjustment of your thought, your mind will be under a successful state of mind at any time

Source: China

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